How well has your salary kept up with house prices?

You’ve probably noticed that house prices in Australia consistently outstrip growth in wages. But by how much? And what can you do to make sure you’re not forever chasing the great Australian dream?

Think property prices will dip when rates rise? Don’t bet the house on it

Whether you’re looking to buy, sell or hold, there’s a good chance you’ve wondered whether the property market will tumble when interest rates rise, right? Today we’ll look at what happened to house prices when interest rates were hiked in the past.

How to protect your business and your customers from scams

When you pay a supplier or service provider, are you certain you’re paying the right account? You’ve got to be super careful these days, as scammers are compromising inboxes and requesting payments to a new account. Here’s how to protect your business and its customers.

Open banking is ramping up, so how are lenders using your data?

Open banking is here and it’s charging full steam ahead. So just how are lenders and fintechs using your shared data in this brave, new, data-fuelled world? A new report has shed some interesting insights.

Wheels in motion: RBA paves the way for early cash rate rise

Mortgage holders are facing a sooner-than-expected cash rate rise after the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) revised its outlook due to the economy bouncing back strongly from the Delta outbreak. So just how soon can we expect a rate rise?

Netflix and too chill: house hunters cutting corners on inspections

More than half of Australian house hunters spend the same amount of time inspecting a property as they do watching an episode on Netflix, according to new research.

Are you relying on a personal credit card for business expenses?

We’ve all been guilty of the odd credit card mix-up from time to time - it happens! But if you’re consistently relying on a personal credit card to pay your business expenses - like 4-in-10 SME owners - then it’s probably time to explore other funding options.

Seismic shift: two major banks hike fixed interest rates

Are the days of ultra-low fixed interest rates over? It’s looking increasingly so, with two major banks increasing their fixed rates this week. So if you’ve been thinking about fixing your mortgage lately, it could be time to consider doing so.

How 1-in-10 first home buyers cracked the market 4 years sooner

Almost 33,000 Australians bought their first home four years sooner thanks to two federal government schemes that give first home buyers a leg up into the property market. Could you, or someone you know, be eligible?

SME lending options are on the rise, but how do you access them?

While many SME owners worry about their access to finance, a surge of new lenders and products is rapidly expanding the options available. And brokers have an important role to play for businesses, says the Productivity Commission.